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Application Questions and Answers «Viber»

14 replies
Personal license
01.09.2021, 19:23
Can you pass a few parameters in the "context" field?
Viber, it seems that the "context" field is not cleared by default: https://take.ms/hgmdvz Tell me, how can you do it, so that at this fi...
2 answer
26.08.2021, 11:11
Messages are not sent
sambag.crm-onebox.com Installed the application, added a token to the settings. I'm trying to write a new message to see how everything works, ...
1 answer
Automation of sending Viber messages from TurboSMS
Need help setting up Viber integration with OneBox, namely: What settings need to be entered in the process so that a message is automatically sent...
4 answer
19.08.2021, 10:48
problem with getting pdf file in viber
There is a problem with getting a pdf file in viber On the example of the process https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/obrashchenie-klienta/1552...
3 answer
16.08.2021, 12:31
The block Viber chat with the client of the process does not appear in the stage
Good afternoon! In the constructor of the interface of the stage, we tried to add a block vider (2), but the block was not displayed in the stage i...
6 replies
Personal license
13.08.2021, 11:52
OS viber pardon+file
1. viber viber://pa?chatURI=nevhamovni connections https://nevgamovni.crm-onebox.com/app/viber-new/settings/ I accept input requests from the clien...
3 answer
22.07.2021, 09:34
Vіdpravka Viber povіdomlennya - pardon the record text
Good day! In the "Send Viber notification" section, when the police was sent, do not write down the text in the specified additional fiel...
11 replies
17.06.2021, 21:55
Integration with Viber
When adding buttons (custom keyboard settings) to Viber chat, they are placed in the chat almost in the middle of the screen, while covering the te...
27 replies
16.06.2021, 11:51
Viber Bot Setup
Good afternoon! There are several questions about setting up Viber Bot: 1. When adding buttons to a chat, they are placed almost in the middle of t...
8 replies
15.04.2021, 11:10
Several processes are created from Viber messages from one client
Good afternoon! For example, 8 processes were created for the client (screen 1 in one second, despite the fact that the automation settings do not...