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Application Questions and Answers «Telegram»

communication in progress
Good afternoon. To communicate with clients in telegram I use an automatic action once a minute Turn a telegram message into a chat. Sometimes I us...
3 answer
Personal license
27.09.2021, 11:25
How to fix integration with Telegram?
At the stage, you need to send a message in Telegram to the responsible process. An error pops up: https://take.ms/H6OS4 Integration is configured,...
3 answer
24.09.2021, 16:42
How to send a message to the chatbot as an action so that everyone can see it?
It is necessary that at the stage, a message is sent to the chat bot, so that everyone who is subscribed to the chat bot can see the desired messag...
4 answer
20.09.2021, 13:22
Telegram messages not coming
https://box.carveli.com/app/telegram/appsettings/ Connected integration with telegrams I write to the bot in chat But messages do not come to the ...
2 answer
Personal license
14.09.2021, 14:37
there is no way to correct the telegram notification
in box.ariabride.eu there is no room for telegram notification: https://take.ms/SGCNT Іtegratsіya є, dії appeared on the hvilinny crown. ale is not...
operating principle
Good afternoon. Please explain the principle of action Send unread messages to telegram. On the one hand, it is installed at a certain stage and st...
19 replies
14.08.2021, 10:52
Telegram notification button
I live! The section "Send Telegram notifications" has the ability to insert buttons. How to write Callback Data correctly? Possibly an in...
4 answer
14.07.2021, 12:11
Telegram messages not coming
I set up telegram integration yesterday. Checked the "Use webhook to receive messages" checkbox. https://smartgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/...
A message is sent to telegram from another bot (not from what was set in the settings)
There is an automatic action on the stage in telegram and the selected bot But the message comes from another bot
1 answer
16.06.2021, 09:50
Sending messages to telegram through the process
Good afternoon! Issue example https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/issue/144/edit/ I want to send a message to the client in telegram throu...