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Application Questions and Answers «Suppliers and price lists»

1 answer
When creating new products from linking, it gives an error
When we try to create unrelated products in large quantities, 150 items are created, and then it gives an error 500
1 answer
14.10.2022, 14:36
Doesn't find products in search when added to supplier order (After updates)
Does not find products in the search when added to an order with a supplier. Item number 162001. I wrote both the name and the article - nothing. T...
5 replies
28.09.2022, 09:25
Incorrect product availability
Hello. There are products that are not in the price list, but they are displayed in stock, although the supplier's tab says that they are out o...
1 answer
13.09.2022, 19:21
The price of the postal worker is not imported
Nalashtovana diya http://clepsydra.org.ua/admin/auto/action/day/edit/ "Universal import of the supplier's price list in YML format (Tradin...
2 answer
Personal license
29.08.2022, 11:49
Removed vendor from system
The supplier disappeared from the system. There is an entry in the stories about creating/saving the supplier https://take.ms/U78e3. https://take.m...
20 replies
Good afternoon! How can I check if the automatic import of prices from ERC and Yug-Contract suppliers works?
Automatic import from suppliers Yug-kontrakt and ERC
Hello! I have configured automatic actions to update data from Yug-contract and ERC suppliers. At the moment, only the price, RTC, description, ima...
3 answer
Personal license
01.07.2022, 16:35
Estimation of the road for the acquisition of prices
Evaluate, be kind, the possibility of automatically populating the field "Text of the presence of the supplier of the product" (or "...
4 answer
07.06.2022, 12:10
Prohibit adding a specific Supplier to a specific product
Good afternoon. Tell me if there is such functionality - you need to prohibit the installation of a certain supplier for certain products. The prob...
9 replies
Personal license
02.06.2022, 16:19
Advice: write the API response in the supplier's price
Hello! It is necessary to set up synchronization with the asg.ua provider through the API. Please advise if it is possible to record the price data...