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Application Questions and Answers «Warehouse»

1 answer
Personal license
23.10.2022, 13:36
Posting to a specific cell
There is an order to the supplier process https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/workflowtype-sklad/ it has a warehouse field for posting for posting to...
The scanner does not work in inventory (AFTER UPDATE)
Here is a recap https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/storage/process/stocktaking/?storagefromid=4&am... now, even if you manually enter ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.10.2022, 18:54
OS, we can’t return, pardon for a lot of balance in the warehouse
Good day, Process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/265446/ When you go to the stage Return is accepted є dіya return to the goods, yak give a pardon in...
4 answer
28.09.2022, 16:25
Link to the process is not displayed in the Move operation
In all warehouse operations, there is a link to the process through which the operation took place, but not for Transfers. Please correct. Thank you.
3 answer
26.09.2022, 10:39
Set purchase currency as default
Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/storage/process/incoming/ When you add a product, it is in UAH by default https://take.ms/HIwyjw , but yo...
Evaluate the refinement of the decommissioning checkbox
Here is the action Below there are 2 settings, they work, but I ran into an error: "Run the action only for process products that have partic...
1 answer
20.09.2022, 00:31
Action consultation Check product balance (automation once in a while)
I create a process with the action "Check the product balance" for the amount specified in the Minimum warehouse balance - the free balan...
1 answer
14.09.2022, 12:28
Min reserves page not loading
https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/storage/tab/balance/ In stock, open the min. reserves, it does not load, it gives an error Tried from different PCs and...
1 answer
08.09.2022, 12:38
Evaluate the completion of the warehouse (check availability in the warehouse)
There is such an action Check availability of products in stock Improvement is needed, which would allow the multilist to select a warehouse in wh...
2 answer
07.09.2022, 16:38
Open all products on a plus sign
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/4018/ In the block https://monosnap.com/file/bitcFO8tcfhQ6vYbjRstrwJdyZSGz7 If you click on one of the plus signs ht...