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Application Questions and Answers «Warehouse»

Product warehouse journal in the product card
Is it possible to use the tab to display the warehouse log for the product in the card itself, so as not to take several actions to view the wareho...
2 answer
18.08.2021, 18:55
Viewing stock in warehouse
I want to clean the warehouse and see the goods. I don't know such a function. It’s just that writing off doesn’t work - you see a bunch of par...
3 answer
Reappearance of goods in warehouses
Such a problem: they robbed the reappearance of a kilka for a year .... they clicked they clicked ... they clicked "save the results of the re...
1 answer
18.08.2021, 14:27
The brand is not displayed in the field in the balance in warehouses
Here is the brand field https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/storage/balance/warehouses/?storagenameid%5B%...
1 answer
Good afternoon, where and how to see how many goods have been sold for all time? If in warehouses, then there is no export to the table and everyth...
1 answer
11.08.2021, 15:18
Posting to the process in add. product field
Made revision 2015810717 The process in which posting was carried out https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/sklad/2055758/edit/ The item has a ...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
10.08.2021, 15:30
double transition to the status in the results of a complete break in warehouse operations and finances (if you do not solve such a bug, you can remove the prefix ERP)
I have written about this issue before. https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/business-processes/4754-povtorenie-problemi-pe...
OS - Date without h/m/s
Go to the posting operation from the log https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/storage/motion/1188296/?productid= We see that the arrival time hours, min...
2 answer
OS - Can't apply interface
https://onetos.org.ua/app/storage/tab/expected/ Expected arrival, I can not fix the table, when you specify "save the table" data just hangs
OS - export from warehouse log
Here https://rivcont.info/app/storage/tab/journal/ it is possible to upload a list of operations. Now - unloads all products of the operation into...