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Refinement of the return of goods action

There is an action Return the contents of the process to the warehouse
You can modify the setting in it to find the shipment in the order and make a return there.
And in the additional field of the process product, indicate the order number where the shipment was.
There are 3 orders, they shipped one product each:
Order 1001 - Item 1 - 1 piece
Order 1002 - Item 2 - 2 pcs
Order 1001 - Item 3 - 2 pcs
A separate process is created in which 3 products are added
Item 1 - 1 piece
Item 2 - 1 piece
Item 3 - 2 pcs
For each product in the additional field of the product of the process, the order number is indicated
The action must find the order, the shipment in it, and return the specified quantity.
How long will this revision take?
Original question is available on version: ru https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор


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