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Application Questions and Answers «Reports and report builder»

5 replies
27.05.2024, 11:30
Bug of the report "Balance change in warehouses"
Congratulations. We found a bug: if you use filtering for the "Change in inventory balance" report, then empty pages are also loaded, and when we t...
3 answer
15.05.2024, 11:42
Optimization of the report
There is a bug: if you try to filter products for all time in the "Balance forecast and purchase calculation" report https://vyriy.1b.app/app/repor...
6 replies
02.05.2024, 17:56
Syntax in the "formula" field
Is it possible to use arithmetic operations in the formula field? What is the correct syntax?
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
02.05.2024, 15:06
504 error, we cannot view the report Turnover by suppliers for April 2024
Good afternoon, we cannot filter the report for the month of April, 504 error, please help to fix: Link to the report with the filter for April th...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
01.03.2024, 14:23
500 error when opening one of the pages of the Customer balance report
Good day, On page 3 of the Customer balance report, we get a 500 error: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/report/clientbalance/?groupcompanyfirstle...
8 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
30.01.2024, 17:17
Refinement, add filtering by client manager to the Client Balance report
Good day, Report link: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/report/clientbalance/?groupcompany=1&ok=%D0%... 80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0...
7 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
26.12.2023, 12:05
The layout of the columns in the Act of Reconciliation has gone
Good afternoon, please correct the layout of the columns in the reconciliation report. Report link: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/report/desiner...
Report setup Recommended order
Is it possible to display all products in the system in the Recommended Order report? Since now only those products for which there was movement du...
1 answer
Personal license
18.10.2023, 17:09
The reports app and the report designer are not displayed
The reports application and the report designer are not displayed on MAC OS Screen_1. If you display the link to the list of reports via the appl...
2 answer
29.09.2023, 15:56
Virtual payments are displayed in the table of actual payments
The Actual Payments Table block in the report does not work correctly. Virtual payments are displayed