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Application Questions and Answers «Prom.ua»

4 answer
15.11.2021, 14:34
Prom.ua chat settings lost
Messages from clients from the Prom.ua chat do not come to Box. Screenshot of automation settings.
2 answer
11.11.2021, 15:54
Order from Prom.ua incorrect order amount
Good afternoon Today is already the third order from the prom whose total amount in the field is many times more than the real one https://crm.ohra...
7 replies
Double conversion in the product
An order comes from the prom to the box, the currency on the prom is $, automatic conversion is set up in the box so that the amount in UAH is adde...
16 replies
When receiving an order from Prom, an incorrect sales price is generated.
It started a couple of hours ago. An order arrives from Prom, where the sale price is indicated multiplied by the dollar rate. On Prom, the price i...
1 answer
08.11.2021, 13:09
Currency conversion
All prices for goods in the box should be in dollars, but Prom should be imported in hryvnias, and when an order arrives, the amount goes to the re...
XLS upload - error
Since the weekend, there has been a massive error when generating an upload file that is subsequently not uploaded to Prom sites, and this has a va...
in the Import of the order The price of the gift is not = 0
When importing orders, when a product has a gift, its price in CPM is set according to the product card, I checked with Prom, they say in the API t...
9 replies
22.10.2021, 12:10
Loading orders from proma without a business process
Import of orders from proma is configured https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ Part of the orders comes correctly, in the specifie...
1 answer
19.10.2021, 14:13
Some products stopped uploading in automation: "PromUA / Export products in XLS format"
Everything worked and for several days already new goods that have been credited are not uploaded to the file. There are new products (only created...
1 answer
Missing photos from some products
The unloading of products from the prom to OneBox was set up, everything was fine, but suddenly, images disappeared from some products. The floor l...