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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

11 replies
06.09.2023, 21:18
Customization of the product field
Congratulations! Is it possible to configure the main product field "Divisible" (product.product_divisibility) so that the quantity is a numeri...
3 answer
21.08.2023, 12:57
Category parent disappears
Hello. Constantly in one category the parent category disappears (in the rondom). Help solve the problem with zeroing the parent category. Link to ...
4 answer
17.08.2023, 17:09
The regular expression for checking the number of characters does not work correctly.
Good day! Product example https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/product/3668/edit/?tabid=2 And the interface field looks like on screen 1 I...
3 answer
04.08.2023, 15:51
Default filter for product categories
Good day! Tell me, is it possible to configure the filters so that when creating a new product card, filters are immediately created that need to b...
3 answer
03.08.2023, 11:23
Gray background on product image
Good day. Yesterday, the interface was updated and there was a cool possibility to view and add photos to the list of products. But in the photo, t...
4 answer
01.08.2023, 23:59
Refinement on the product filter: Reference field for filtering records by the desired value
Guys, you can calculate the refinement by filters: now it is possible to filter records by filter name (see the field "Reference field for filterin...
Bug boxing makes text autocorrect into English
created a new product https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/product/8600/edit/ in the field SEO keywords (keywords) (ru) I write words in Russian, save, ...
Incorrect barcode formation in EAN-13 format
Product example https://box1.luxshina.ua/app/product/267932/edit/ It was automatically assigned the 11-character barcode 00002679327 upon creation....
6 replies
Personal license
11.07.2023, 10:36
Error adding new categories to the system
noticed the following situation in the system: When creating a category, the system automatically fills the External ID field with the value of the...
6 replies
07.07.2023, 16:00
Product code
Good day. There are 2 systems https://box1.luxshina.ua and https://luxshina.ua, product exchange is configured between them, is it possible to se...