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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

Price rounding
Colleagues, good afternoon! Tell me, where is price rounding configured in OneBox Os? As per MVP the client's prices are set at the Euro rate,...
2 answer
29.12.2021, 15:18
Product Availability
Good afternoon, I have 2 products, one is checked and the second is not, both products are credited and available in the same warehouse Tell me w...
How to close the additional product field for some Employees?
There is a product card and information on the supplier in it, there is a need to hide this Additional Field for most employees. This is the Test H...
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
22.12.2021, 20:29
Why was the change in the "In the presence" field not recorded in the history (the product was sold)
For which product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/65962/history/?userid=&systemchange=1...
2 answer
22.12.2021, 09:47
Refinement of the products page
Good afternoon. It is necessary to refine the minimum quantity of the product tied to the price. We have 6 types of prices, the first 4 of them are...
1 answer
21.12.2021, 10:28
Duplicate products by article
There is an article MAT_LEATHER_LEATHER_00323 It is configured that it must be unique in the system There are 2 products with this article number h...
1 answer
16.12.2021, 13:48
Display images in OneBox Startap product categories
Images are not showing in OneBox Startap product categories. Images are loaded in categories, but when browsing products by category, or exporting ...
2 answer
15.12.2021, 19:50
When going to the product card HTTP ERROR 500
Good afternoon, I go to the product card and get the following error
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
07.12.2021, 22:30
I ask the retailers to give a confirmation for the food in the task for ShopSupplier_Processor_Avail
Here is the task https://1b.app/ru/support/server-installation/12201-prodovzhuyutsya-problemi-z-s...
Adding a product to an order
Hello. Is it possible to add a product to an order after searching for it in the Product Search block by pressing any key instead of clicking on th...