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Application Questions and Answers «PrestaShop»

8 replies
site improvements were not transferred to the OS
Here in the old version we had such a setting Only in the new version We need all the improvements that were made on the Mvp, this was done befor...
4 answer
21.12.2021, 14:45
Investment for a new version of Prestashop
If you create a product in the box, make a lineup, load several new positions into one lineup and try to transfer this lineup to the prestashop sto...
35 replies
Evaluate the effect of transferring availability to prestashop
Now there's action "Export product information to prestashop" can select fields you need to add the field "product availability...
7 replies
09.11.2021, 15:10
Synchronization of CRM statuses with PrestaShop statuses
I live. Winykla need to change the status of the application in Prestashop to the status of the application in CPM. API key was generated, rights w...
1 answer
Export product information in prestashop
I wrote earlier https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/online-stores/11256-eksport-informatsii-o-prod... Waiting for your answer
14 replies
Export product information in prestashop
There is an action "Export product information to prestashop" It has the value of passing fields But the field "Presence" is n...
1 answer
Refinement of the action
I'm waiting for an invoice for revision https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/online-stores/9903-dorabotka-deystviya/
15 replies
Refinement of the action
1. It is necessary to evaluate the setting, in the action of exporting products to the pretsashop - So that before transferring the values to the s...
5 replies
14.07.2021, 12:05
Import processes from PrestaShop (problem with loading products in orders)
Good afternoon. The problem is the following: we have configured integration with prestashop through your module, specifically for importing orders...
2 answer
29.04.2021, 16:03
Import processes from PrestaShop for multistore
Good afternoon. There was a problem when importing orders to crm from cms prestashop. We use the standard multistore option in our cms, roughly spe...