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Application Questions and Answers «Payments and cashbox»

3 answer
18.02.2022, 17:01
Incorrect reflection of the BP balance in the client's personal account
There is a BP Order to the contractor (outgoing). We added payment to the contractor (order client) for 10 thousand on it. In the BP itself, the ba...
3 answer
Personal license
14.02.2022, 16:00
At the transfer of the client's appointment, the payment is displayed according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process for the other client
At the transfer of the client’s appointment, the payment was made according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process fo...
15 replies
04.02.2022, 08:37
OS - Improvement - Dropdown Height
Please make the dropdown list higher in payments. It is much more convenient to quickly cover the entire list with a glance and select the desired ...
3 answer
02.02.2022, 10:10
OS - Glitch/Improvement - Import/Export Categories
Please tell me, for the convenience of working with categories - it would be nice if the entire table was editable directly from the interface, now...
8 replies
01.02.2022, 17:40
OS - Improvement - Missing Course
When adding a transaction, if the account is NOT in the base currency, there is no possibility to immediately add the exchange rate. You have to op...
3 answer
incomplete display of payment fields
https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/20215/ if you open a payment from the process, the fields Client and Bank details do not display the information in ...
8 replies
15.01.2022, 09:13
OS - Question - Accounts
The menu with invoices is always displayed. But it is not necessary to work with transactions. Is it possible to make it collapse or turn off when ...
6 replies
Personal license
14.01.2022, 15:50
Evaluate the payment order
Є nalashtuvannya for procedures, schob stinks spratsovuvali when adding payment: https://take.ms/3nWYK Evaluate the additional payment in order to ...
6 replies
11.01.2022, 15:53
OS - Bug - Can't select from list
- select button not working The year is 2022, and the boxing functionality still does not acquire the ability not only to search, but also to sele...
4 answer
02.01.2022, 14:56
error creating check
Hello, when you try to go to the stage at which the action to create a receipt is set, after a pause, an error appears without comments and the tr...