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Application Questions and Answers «Product passports»

1 answer
07.09.2022, 15:21
Price levels for goods in passports
Good afternoon. Enlighten someone, for goods with passports, how prices are formed according to price levels. There is a product with a passport ht...
20 replies
02.08.2022, 13:51
Evaluate the action once a day to recalculate the price of a product with a passport
Good afternoon. Need an estimate There are goods with passports example https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/products/6973/edit/, passport settings , ...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
01.08.2022, 10:43
Is it possible to mass transfer passports from one box to another?
I have 2 boxes, the nomenclature is the same (similar to the article) And you need to transfer all passports from one box to the second (about 350 ...
2 answer
02.05.2022, 12:02
Self-created passport
Good afternoon. For the product https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/products/1678/edit/, a passport is regularly created, there is no creation through...
Improvement required
1- in the product passport Optional product when decomposing the passport into components selling price = 0 these are additional components and the...
When entering data and pressing enter, it offers to delete the product passport
Here https://box.yerocolors.com/app/passports/2/edit/ Please fix the bug. When you put the cursor in a cell, for example, by quantity and press En...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
03.09.2021, 15:27
Bug, the currency of the sale price in the product passport is not taken into account
Good afternoon, All our purchase prices are indicated in USD, the main boxing currency is hryvnia. When we create a product passport and add compon...
1 answer
05.08.2021, 10:56
The name of the passport flies
Product https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/30640/edit/ He has a passport with the name GOLD_4XL_HARN_MARI_008346 If I edit the co...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
04.08.2021, 16:23
Bug with product search and removal
Box https://test271.crm-onebox.com/ Passport example https://test271.crm-onebox.com/app/passports/4/edit/ 1. When we use the button, the popup win...
3 answer
22.07.2021, 17:50
Product tab Included in the composition empty for the component
I was sure that if a product has a passport, then in the card of its components in the Included in the composition tab, there will be products that...