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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

1 answer
20.09.2022, 16:02
the name of the category in ua language is not given
Here is the category https://sara.1box.link/app/product/category/6009/ different name in Ukrainian and Russian but opencart doesn't show anyt...
1 answer
18.09.2022, 23:46
Images do not fit
Integration https://znaide.1b.app/app/opencart-1/ Images do not fit in opencart. There are no pardons, the file with images is declared as a messag...
5 replies
15.09.2022, 17:30
Integration with OpenCart does not work.
Good afternoon. Faced a problem, goods are not unloaded from opencart to onebox. In the action, it gives the error "WARNING! ERROR setting the...
1 answer
05.09.2022, 20:33
Stopped uploading pictures (used to upload)
There is integration, but pictures and characteristics are not loaded what needs to be fixed to make it work? https://sara.1box.link/app/opencart-1...
12 replies
Personal license
30.08.2022, 13:43
Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)
Tell me, is it possible to upload a product category to Openkart from the product field, instead of from the standard "Category" field? I...
3 answer
Personal license
24.08.2022, 10:01
We need an example of a request by which we receive an order from OpenCart
Hello! In the box (screen), sometimes we get the client's address not the same as in the OpenCart admin ( ). We cannot find fields with such da...
4 answer
22.08.2022, 20:31
Not working import application from Opencart
Integration with Opencart is done https://tim.1box.link/app/opencart-1/settings/ Ale, they don’t accept prayers. Diya Import processes from opencar...
10 replies
Personal license
17.08.2022, 10:21
Import processes from opencart
We download processes from Openkart via linkkey https://take.ms/aSOU9a Is it possible to see this link key field somewhere in the order and change it?
Please provide integration files for ocStore Thank you in advance!
Please provide integration files for ocStore Thank you in advance!
Integration files for Opencart 1.5
Please provide integration files for Opencart Thanks in advance!