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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
26.11.2021, 08:28
Runtime error in Opencart request
Hello! Opencart integration gives error SHOW COLUMNS FROM `oc_product_to_category` LIKE 'main_category' Tell me what's wrong? Box purep...
Connecting two stores
Connected 2 stores on opencart. The problem is that order numbers intersect there, and if an OpenCart-97 order comes from one store, then when the ...
2 answer
11.11.2021, 11:22
Ukrainian transmission does not work. language
That was the task, the transfer of Ukrainian. language still does not work. Correct plz. https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/online-stores/11772-ne-k...
2 answer
09.11.2021, 11:19
Vanbox is buggy and does not upload orders from Opencart
Vanbox is buggy and does not upload orders from Opencart
7 replies
05.11.2021, 12:48
Multilingualism is not correctly transferred to opencart
need to fix the bug( In the action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)" (Fig. 1 and 2) They ...
How to find out the IP of my OneBox
How to find out the IP of my OneBox for integration with OpenCart?
3 answer
22.10.2021, 13:37
opencart module
What module is needed for this checkbox to work? I need to make different products in the box combined into a lineup, in the opencart were like on...
13 replies
Personal license
21.10.2021, 15:48
Incorrectly processed dorobka
They robbed the functionality of the image of goods https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/9316-otsiniti-dorobku-funktsionalu-zobra... ...
3 answer
16.10.2021, 12:56
After updating to os, images are not uploaded to the OpenCart website
After updating to os, images are not uploaded to the OpenCart website
1 answer
13.10.2021, 11:58
Featured products from boxing in Opencart
Good afternoon, Interested in a solution for unloading recommended goods from the box to Opencart, if the current version of synchronization does n...