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Application Questions and Answers «Opencart»

3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
07.12.2021, 10:25
Uploading opencart products
Hello! Need information and help. Was there an unloading of goods from the pureperfume.1b.app box? The action on the hour crown was disabled (and n...
1 answer
03.12.2021, 19:12
Can't see opencart multilingual connection settings
opencart settings https://sara.1box.link/app/opencart-1/settings/ https://sara.1box.link/app/multilanguage/ multilanguage enabled. But there are no...
Configuring category description transfer
Good afternoon. Help set up the transfer "Category Description" from Boxing to Opencart. Goods are transferred by the action "Upload...
21 answer
02.12.2021, 14:28
Image upload not working in OpenCart
Good afternoon Image upload not working in OpenCart Product example https://box.lurestore.com.ua/admin/shop/products/19972/edit/#done Link https://...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
26.11.2021, 08:28
Runtime error in Opencart request
Hello! Opencart integration gives error SHOW COLUMNS FROM `oc_product_to_category` LIKE 'main_category' Tell me what's wrong? Box purep...
Connecting two stores
Connected 2 stores on opencart. The problem is that order numbers intersect there, and if an OpenCart-97 order comes from one store, then when the ...
2 answer
11.11.2021, 11:22
Ukrainian transmission does not work. language
That was the task, the transfer of Ukrainian. language still does not work. Correct plz. https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/online-stores/11772-ne-k...
2 answer
09.11.2021, 11:19
Vanbox is buggy and does not upload orders from Opencart
Vanbox is buggy and does not upload orders from Opencart
7 replies
05.11.2021, 12:48
Multilingualism is not correctly transferred to opencart
need to fix the bug( In the action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)" (Fig. 1 and 2) They ...
How to find out the IP of my OneBox
How to find out the IP of my OneBox for integration with OpenCart?