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Application Questions and Answers «Nova Poshta»

2 answer
27.12.2022, 13:48
No "Nova Poshta Account ID" variable
Found that in OS there is no ID variable for the New Post office. From here we have incorrectly carried out payments.
3 answer
24.12.2022, 12:29
No street listed
In LK NP you can choose a street, in the box it is not. I pressed the update button for streets and branches, but as far as I know, the streets wil...
Sections not loading
I added an api key, filled in all the settings, but the branches are not loaded, what could be the problem ?? lemancrm.1b.app I installed the Api c...
2 answer
14.12.2022, 00:41
BAG - incorrectly calculates the quarterly return shipping limit
Good health! At this moment, you have such an inconvenience - the calculation of the quarterly limit for the return delivery of funds (overlay) of ...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
13.12.2022, 12:04
Shipping Type: Pallets
Good afternoon! The Nova Poshta API has a Vidi Pallet section https://developers.novaposhta.ua/view/model/a55b2c64-8512-11ec-8ced-005056b2dbe1...
Setting up Payment Control for Nova Poshta
Good afternoon. I enabled Payment Control in the sender's settings, but when creating a tn, it writes an error as in the screenshot. Here is an...
4 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
30.11.2022, 14:54
The new NP office is not working. Other offices are working
Good day. TTN NP is not created in one of the offices. When creating a PO, the sender's name is incorrectly pulled although it says so in the ...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
30.11.2022, 14:54
The new NP office is not working. Other offices are working
Good day. TTN NP is not created in one of the offices. When creating a PO, the sender's name is incorrectly pulled although it says so in the ...
2 answer
14.11.2022, 00:41
Processes do not switch for some New Mail statuses
Good afternoon. Processes do not switch for some New Mail statuses. The problem is like here https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-delivery-ser...
7 replies
09.11.2022, 10:32
Simultaneous creation of two invoices
When manually creating invoices, sometimes two invoices are created with the same data, but different numbers. In the settings of the new mail acco...