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Application Questions and Answers «Notification center»

3 answer
Personal license
22.02.2024, 16:06
After paying for boxing, a warning continues to appear in the Central Committee
Good day! Unable to get rid of the message. Boxing was paid for on February 15, but messages continue to appear every three hours. Please fix it. T...
4 answer
12.09.2023, 10:52
Notifications stopped coming
Hello. Previously, when I changed the process, I received notifications, but a couple of days ago they stopped coming. How to solve? Thank you
3 answer
Receiving notifications only to the person in charge, not author+person in charge
Congratulations. Tell me, is there a solution to this? When a reminder is created in the BP, a notification is sent to the author and the person re...
4 answer
09.08.2023, 14:49
Emails not opening from notification center
There are several letters in the notification center, one opens correctly, when you open the rest, it redirects to the mail integration setting. Th...
6 replies
09.06.2023, 15:53
Process control.
Good afternoon Tell me, please, where are the "processes under control" configured? Now the person responsible for the order is indicated there, ...
6 replies
07.04.2023, 11:05
Processes do not open from the notification window
The download freezes and nothing happens.
2 answer
Personal license
23.12.2022, 23:16
BUG - the list of notifications from employees does not open
https://sbplus.1b.app/ - the list of notifications for employees does not open, it is impossible to clear notifications
Notifications are not deleted
After switching to OneBox OS in the notification center are not deleted, notifications do not open. https://andser.crm-onebox.com/app/newcommunicat...
7 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.09.2022, 13:24
Sound with a new awakening
Previously, it was possible to capture your audio file and engrave it with a new message. Such a function is needed in the OS, already 2 clients as...
2 answer
19.08.2022, 00:08
The bug in the center has been notified
Hello Box: https://smartgroup.crm-onebox.com/ Some kind of bug is notified in the center: 150+ new notifications are displayed, while clicking on ...