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Application Questions and Answers «OneBox Network»

1 answer
16.12.2024, monday, 16:26
Fractional number in the quantity of the product
When adding a product to the process using search, it adds one product. In the table, I want to change the quantity to 1.5. Since this is a service...
2 answer
04.11.2024, 13:00
How does editing in one box and copying to others work?
There is a description in the onebox network app. How are these actions performed? (highlighted in the attached screenshot) There is not a word a...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.10.2024, 10:40
Additional fields of process products are NOT transferred when sending a task to another box
Here is an example of a task that was sent https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/13304/ https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/13306/ ...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.10.2024, 11:31
EVALUATE: Add to the Network application interaction settings the selection of the status in which the task should be set for the corresponding event
I am interested in the refinement for fine-tuning interactions with other boxes In the settings, the selection of the status in which the task wil...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.09.2024, 10:02
ERROR: Transmission of tasks to the Partner box failed
A problem appeared that did not exist. Tasks stopped being sent from my box to the Partner's box. Please help to remove this error because it...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
11.10.2023, 17:06
500 error when trying to go to the settings of the OneBox Network application
When we go to Advanced settings, the system issues a 500 error Fix it please.
2 answer
03.01.2023, 12:01
Onebox Network
Unable to send the process through OneBox Network, the error shows that there is no email or phone number of the customer, although it is all filled
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.12.2022, 11:22
Does not save a record for the company here balistyka
/network/company/config/ We create our company and fill in the data, but when saving, it gives an error, as in chest 1227
3 answer
07.11.2022, 16:19
Synchronization error
Hello! Encountered "Sync Error": https://icf.1b.app/app/network-88090/history/ Please tell me what could be the problem? Are there any re...
7 replies
04.05.2022, 10:32
Synchronization of comments open for viewing
Hello! There is already an option to synchronize only "open comments", thanks for that, very convenient. But if you use the "Transfe...