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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015557865 - Improvement of the action “Parser of calls from the CDR table”
For automatic action once a minute “Parser of calls from the CDR table”, the setting "Use regular expression search only for incoming calls&qu...
2015556233 - Refinement of the table of process products
For the “Products in a table” block of the process interface, in the “use as a separator of thousands” setting, the ability to specify that thousan...
2015556116 - Adding fields to processes as a list
The ability to display fields on the “Processes as a list” page has been improved: - sender (Nova Poshta); - sender (Ukrposhta)
2015557323 - Refinement of access rights to subordinate employees
Improved so that when the “Access to contacts where I am a manager” checkbox is enabled, an employee can enter the card of subordinate employees: s...
2015556061 - Refinement of the BP action “Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met”
For the BP action “Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met”, the ability to select the “shipped” field in th...
2015554774 - Improvement of the action “PromUA / Export products in XLS format”
For the automatic action once per hour “PromUA / Export products in XLS format”, the setting has been improved: “Ignore the availability text for t...
2015473528 - Improvement of the action “Import processes from Microsoft Nav”
For the automatic action once per hour “Import processes from Microsoft Nav”, the ability to select: - action start time; - status of deals to be i...
2015553322 - Improvement of the action “Allocate payments to processes based on expected payments”
For the automatic action once a minute “Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments”, the setting “Link a payment to a created p...
2015553834 - Improvement of the action “Integrate XML Business Processes (Import)”
For the automatic action once a minute “Integration of business processes XML (Import)”, the setting “Additional action name” has been improved
2015550390 - Improvement of the “Create subtask” action
For the BP action “Create subtask”, the setting “Run action once an hour” has been improved