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Application Questions and Answers «»

6 replies
16.08.2022, 17:21
Bug - Spontaneous contact renaming
This is not the first time I notice that my contact is renamed by itself. We have all contacts written in Latin, but for some reason he changes to ...
2 answer
16.08.2022, 15:50
Delivery method with WP not pulling up
Sam vp https://www.aveopt.com.ua/ Order for VP (Figure 1) Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/483786/ there is no delivery method, although it s...
6 replies
16.08.2022, 15:39
Fix cron timing
Box http://00-24.com.ua/ The problem is that orders do not enter the system from opencart. On the screenshots, an example of the last order that go...
1 answer
Setting up OneBox-Opencart availability transfer: warehouse+supplier
How to set up the formation of OneBox-Opencart availability transfer if you need to sum the availability of a warehouse with the availability of a ...
2 answer
Jivosite replacement
Good afternoon, dear partners and integrators! I would like to know what you can offer in return for Jivosite. I think this is a very relevant ques...
4 answer
16.08.2022, 13:38
UkrPoshta: you need to display the interface block with the fields "Package type" and "Departure type"
Tell me, I noticed that for the delivery service of Ukrposhta, it is in the process that the settings "Parcel type" (Warehouse-Warehouse,...
3 answer
16.08.2022, 12:54
Refinement to hide the mass transition of stages in the LC
It is necessary here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/29/interface/blok-bek/?groupid=5 in the "List of processes" block to add ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
16.08.2022, 12:37
When loading goods through the import block, fictitious products are not created
Good day, Today we noted that we stopped adding fictitious products when loading goods through the import block. So, there are 28 products in the i...
7 replies
16.08.2022, 11:45
Automatic transfer to another BP stage
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to set up an action to automatically transfer the BP if the status of the BP does not change for some time, for ...
BUG!!! Orders come in without a delivery method !!!
Orders from WordPress started coming in without a delivery method !!! We can not do ttn and work. What is the problem? We didn't change anything.