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Application Questions and Answers «»

WordPress product import
Good morning. Wordpress product import does not work and gives the error "ShopCategory-object by id not found". Please explain why this happens. Th...
0 replies
W&K Connect
W&K Connect
Personal license
03.02.2025, 15:59
API authorization fails
The request is processed (code 200), but error 8 indicates an incorrect login/password In the parameters of the action Import data from transport c...
1 answer
03.02.2025, 12:12
BUG of the display method according to the work schedule
In the "Calendar" application, in the settings = display method, parameter = "Set the color of blocks when the filtered employee works according to...
5 replies
EvoSmart Solution
03.02.2025, 10:19
Made a gross error. It is necessary to return the old value (previous)
Good day, please restore the previous markup value for all products. I accidentally overwrote the value in all products with a mass change, but it ...
3 answer
03.02.2025, 04:05
Doesn't search for cities in Ukrainian
1. When the option "Search for cities in both languages when entering an address during the process or manual creation of a consignment note" is en...
Пользователь готов заплатить за решение 5$
Copying product quantity to an additional process field
Good afternoon, can I configure it so that if I have a specific product in the process? In my case, a service. Is there an action that copies the q...
0 replies
01.02.2025, 12:11
Password recovery in the client's account
There are a lot of questions about the "Password recovery in the client's account" functionality. 1. Why are there two buttons for password rec...
Export data to MySQL database
Good day, I need functionality similar to exporting data in Google Sheets, but with the ability to export directly to a MySQL database located on a...
7 replies
31.01.2025, 11:15
Please transfer the box to a per-user tariff.
Please transfer the box https://dai-spisat.1box.link/ to the tariff for 1 user.
2 answer
30.01.2025, 19:48
Needs some work Saving the filter Show open/closed/all at the BP level
It is necessary to save the choice in the filter Show open/closed/all processes within one BP, as it is implemented with the filter itself (visible...