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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015969229 - Added setting to the action "Check the existence of the process on the schedule date"
For the action "Check for the existence of a process by the schedule date" added the setting "Filter the intersection of the date ra...
2015969144 - Added variables in the warehouse API
Added variables for warehouse APIs that pass: - warehouse code; - staff member; - external id of the employee.
1 answer
21.03.2023, 16:35
Creating a chat or process in a telegram bot does not work
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/bot-constructor/1/ Most likely, the problem is also with the https://take.ms/9TzcU interface, because when you sele...
1 answer
21.03.2023, 16:00
Finalization of the action Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua)
Good day! Please evaluate the refinement of the possibility of selecting warehouses for export in the automatic action "Export products in XML form...
2 answer
21.03.2023, 12:06
Improvement: The minimum reserve of the product is to add a reserve for product filters
Please calculate the addition to the "Minimum reserve" in the warehouse: 1) In the filtering, add a function of the type "Display the balance in s...
1 answer
21.03.2023, 09:40
Highlight a cell in the product list
/app/product/ now in the table display settings you can specify the color for the column is it possible to highlight a cell depending on the va...
2015967183 - Added the ability to prohibit editing the universal block
Added an option to prohibit editing of all fields of the universal block depending on the value of the additional field.
0 replies
20.03.2023, 17:12
The letter was read
Is it possible to track whether a person has read a letter to whom it was sent. Typically, these emails are sent through an action in a business pr...
7 replies
20.03.2023, 17:06
Text is pulled in the wrong currency by variable
Document template https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/document/templates/11/control/ It should be in Russian in tenge, but we get it in rubles. https://t...
0 replies
20.03.2023, 13:55
Tasks through time by condition
https://solidenglishschool.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/60/action/new/ I do tasks to remind the manager, the condition is different from the ad...