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Application Questions and Answers «Horoshop»

1 answer
17.10.2021, 00:45
All product photos have been deleted
I bet on the daily action of removing deleted products. Everything worked, thanks But at the same time, it got stuck and does not want to upload ba...
2 answer
01.10.2021, 14:17
Some API orders with good papa will not be included in the box
Some API orders with a good deal will not get into the box, according to the XIII API, this order is in the download - - but it did not get into t...
22 answer
24.09.2021, 12:19
the refinement on the import of orders with the delivery method Ukrposhta has not been fully finalized
the refinement on the import of orders with the delivery method Ukrposhta was not fully finalized here importe-zakaza/ but we didn’t finish drinkin...
5 replies
14.09.2021, 23:19
Bug in action "Export goods to Horosop"
Good afternoon. It looks like a bug. Instead of values from cells marked (ua), values from cells (ru) are passed to all fields Everything in the c...
6 replies
03.09.2021, 12:12
The order did not come with Good
Good afternoon! The box did not receive an order with Horosop No. 1309123 Their support writes that there was a request to unload this order, and f...
1 answer
Instead of a patronymic, a question mark is imported from Horoshopa. "?"
Instead of a middle name is "?". As a result, no new mail is created. Example http://crm.zakazknig.com.ua/admin/customorder/knigi-test/11...
Client's name is incorrect
Instead of a middle name is "?". As a result, no new mail tn is created
2 answer
20.08.2021, 14:35
OS - export products in good
There is a setting for exporting products to good Boxing does not know how to create categories in okop, so we create them manually. There are two...
10 replies
17.08.2021, 13:22
Order statuses were not updated in Horosop
Good afternoon! In Horosop, order statuses were not updated: https://crm.hotsalon.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/24351/edit/ and https://crm.hotsal...
6 replies
12.08.2021, 23:43
Good afternoon! When importing goods with good quality, additional photos should come? Here is the product https://dorechi.crm-onebox.com/admin/sho...