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Application Questions and Answers «Import export products»

3 answer
12.10.2022, 11:55
The file with the export and import of goods does not come to the mail (after the update)
The file with the export and import of goods does not come to the mail (after the update). Tried to specify another mail. Does not help. It always ...
6 replies
06.10.2022, 14:12
Template settings are lost and not saved
When exporting an excel file and choosing the desired template in the fine settings, each time you have to refill the columns on top. This setting ...
Product images are not loaded with "Universal xml product import"
Good afternoon. Previously, "Universal import of xml products" was configured. I am uploading a file from an external source. Image, desc...
1 answer
04.10.2022, 13:43
There is no "minimum product reserve" field for import or export
There is such a field it is standard, used in the production plan report. But this field is not present either in the export or in the import of t...
3 answer
21.09.2022, 16:18
Export/import of goods is not counted
Download files stopped coming to the post office. So by itself, when importing - do not come with the results of uploading. https://strikeshop.com.ua/
2 answer
14.09.2022, 21:19
Unable to select category for export
8 replies
24.08.2022, 12:32
When exporting products, the file does not come to the mail
Hello! When exporting products, the file does not come to the mail Box https://pandaopt.1box.link/desktop/ Tried to send to different mail, does no...
How to add the name ru and ua in the "Integration of XML Products (Export)" action?
Good afternoon, we are making xml for Epicenter, how to solve these moments: 1. Parameters lang="ru/ua". 2. Mandatory (according to the d...
How to upload all images for Epicenter in "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action
Good afternoon, you need to upload all product images (main and additional). According to the description, the images should look like this: <pi...
Export of goods to mail does not work
Good afternoon. Exports of goods and price lists to the mail stopped coming