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Application Questions and Answers «Import export products»

5 replies
24.02.2025, 11:44
Unable to use import/export
Good afternoon, the import/export application has stopped working correctly: 1. It is impossible to stack columns 2. Only the first 5 columns are...
BUG Loading product images during import does not work
I am trying to import images from a file. for example, here is the file https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DkM0zQsyoghaCgsz9UBGy8J58oHDekapw-l...
2 answer
22.11.2024, 15:43
Product import not working
Guys, please help. Today the whole day data on products is not imported. Although the files are not large.
duplication of products
yesterday I downloaded the product database, at first everything loaded correctly, but later dubbings began to be created (deleted and downloaded a...
9 replies
12.07.2024, 11:50
The Import and Export Products application does not work
When opening the application there is just a white table
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
02.07.2024, 12:35
Is it possible to import "price settings"?
I exported the pricing settings but can't now import the pricing based on the quantity
4 answer
12.06.2024, 22:40
Removing data from XML
Products enter our system through an XML partner. If a partner removes their product from their XML, why is this product not removed in our databas...
5 replies
Product export does not work
Export of products does not work - a letter with a link to the export file does not arrive in the mail. Previously, emails came from no-reply@crm-o...
1 answer
28.02.2024, 05:48
Limit on the quantity of imported goods
Tell me, are there any restrictions in the system on the number of loaded items in OneBox when importing products via an XLSX file?
Improvement of the calculator on the website
Needs improvement https://tashuta.ua When choosing a product, the calculator now calculates: (product price + option price + option price2...) *...