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Application Questions and Answers «Import export contacts»

14 replies
22.09.2020, 17:19
Access rights
Good afternoon! According to the access rights https://prnt.sc/ulusik, the manager does not have access to the ordered products and Excel download....
2 answer
Import company contacts
Good afternoon! I tried to master the import of contacts from a file, but everything is "sharpened" for importing contacts of individuals...
1 answer
27.08.2020, 11:54
Contacts from AMO along with communication history
The client is thinking of switching from AMO to OneBox. AMO now has customer data. How could they be transferred to OneBox with the history of comm...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.01.2019, 17:10
Export/import json business process designs.
PURPOSE: Simplify the use in your practice of the established framework solutions for business processes 1. There are business process frameworks t...