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Application Questions and Answers «Documents»

9 replies
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
16.06.2021, 13:01
Displaying phone numbers in printed forms
In addition to the mobile number, employees also have a short telephony number. It is the short number that is displayed in printed forms, but it i...
5 replies
27.05.2021, 09:36
document printing estimate
Good afternoon. Please evaluate the revision to the action Check out the document, there is a checkbox Check for the presence of a document in the ...
5 replies
17.05.2021, 16:42
Advise on document layout
Document Template https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/2/control/ Print to PDF example https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/documen...
2 answer
13.05.2021, 23:15
Document variables: lookup fields
Good afternoon! Tell me, how do the variables of the reference fields work in document templates? When forming a document in the process, we need t...
1 answer
UPD document template
I really need a UPD template (Universal Transfer Document of the Russian Federation) I searched a lot where, everywhere there are crooked versions....
Rounds values in a document template
Here is the order https://tradework.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/124979/edit/ Here is where I create the documents. https://tradework.com.ua/admi...
4 answer
15.04.2021, 18:52
Document number not generated
Hello! Document number not generated
6 replies
06.04.2021, 15:57
Document template question
Need help with a document template? I created an Order invoice template and in it I need to display a product photo in each line, but I can’t set t...
6 replies
Printing price tags
I have a task to print product price tags, but it turns out that I need to use the process product fields for printing. Previously discussed that t...
3 answer
22.03.2021, 17:31
Creating a document from the process block Attached files does not work
Good afternoon! test process https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/project/833049/edit/ I create a document from the block , and the document was c...