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Application Questions and Answers «Documents»

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
19.12.2024, thursday, 16:04
Create a document with the division of products into categories
In the business process interface settings, there is a checkbox that allows you to display products by category. There are these checkboxes: ...
The document is not displayed correctly
Hello, previously everything was fine with all our document templates. For two weeks already, all the templates with images have just displayed squ...
Passports in the document
Is it possible to somehow extract product passports of a certain process into a document? For some reason I couldn't find how to do this. Condition...
Formation of the document in the order
Good day! There is such a problem order example https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/27104/ a permanent discount of 1% is written on the client's card, t...
Document templates
Good day! Tell me how to correctly write the variables in the document template so that the formation of the order of goods in the document is like...
Formatting numbers in document templates
Good day, tell me how to set the document template so that the separator is a comma, and there is a space between the thousands. Thank you!
Action "Write a document"
Good day! Order example https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/26349/ https://prnt.sc/j1VVOqcuFsKw, https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/admin/shop/workflowstatu...
0 replies
27.03.2024, 23:36
Packing list
Good afternoon. There is a need to create an invoice with the columns "Base price" and "Personal price". We have several price levels (7), we need ...
2 answer
Does not pull data into the document
As of today, it has stopped pulling data into the Dealer Delivery, Customer Delivery documents. Does not pull data Delivery address changed {custom...
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
19.02.2024, 10:46
The amount of the process with a discount text in the document
Good afternoon, it is necessary to display the amount of the process with a discount in text in the document. Tried all the variables with text out...