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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
07.06.2021, 20:00
the client has not paid the server, you need to download the box again
the client bought 1 box license https://shnurki.crm-onebox.com/ from the email amelnik@ukr.net (cannot restore access to the forum from this email,...
1 answer
07.06.2021, 14:55
Check mark item in stock in item
Product example https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/35183/edit/ It has a checkbox Recalculate availability with suppliers and ware...
1 answer
07.06.2021, 14:50
Menu item
http://crm.mebelok.com/ By adding an item to the menu The screenshot showed You need to add such an opportunity, create a menu item with filtering...
5 replies
07.06.2021, 13:09
address is not visible from the contact card
good day! in contact є kіlka address, and it is impossible to see them at any time. butt spear axis: https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/shop/users/71161/...
7 replies
07.06.2021, 11:03
Description of the process and action with the field
Good afternoon. 1. What action can be used to copy a process description into a comment? 2.Which variable can I add a description to the email body...
3 answer
07.06.2021, 10:31
Interested in integration with Ozon, Yandex, Aliexpress, Wildberries marketplaces.
Ozone is indicated that it is implemented, how does it actually work? In the settings, you can specify a key and an identifier. What actions should...
2015806576 - Improvement of the XML product import action
For the action "Import XLS/XLSX products", the setting "Names of brands to be ignored when loading (separated by commas)" has b...
2015806390 - Added a setting to the filter
In the product filter, the setting "Lookup field for filtering records by filter name" has been added.
2015806515 - Improved report designer block
For the "Table of tasks/orders/projects" block, the setting "Display only processes that match the field comparison conditions"...
1 answer
06.06.2021, 20:57
Reset ssh access to the server
Box in which we work https://kts.crm-onebox.com/ Previously, you were given root access, we can’t find them, please ask me in a personal task to re...