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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
06.07.2021, 20:13
OS: Too big elements in the interface
Hello! Can we somehow make the elements more compact and / or reduce the gaps and spacing between them? When processing orders, we need to see a lo...
2 answer
06.07.2021, 19:54
OS: Window close button
Hello! Is it possible to make a window close button with an active outline and a little more, otherwise it is not always possible to hit it? It is ...
4 answer
06.07.2021, 19:17
Processes of all subordinate employees are not displayed simultaneously in
Hello! I can't understand why on the "My Processes" tab, when I select two employees (Responsible), I am shown the processes of only ...
9 replies
06.07.2021, 16:51
Import of multicategories from OpenCart
Chi є mozhliv_st zavantazhuvati z Open Cart box dodatkovі categorії product (multicategorії) - https://monosnap.com/file/YhJxNszAhCygotQAQnpDYHklsJ...
5 replies
06.07.2021, 16:15
Refinement of warehouse balances
Good afternoon. Please evaluate the setting for the Warehouse balances filter https://crm.kupistul.ua/admin/shop/storage/balance/warehouses/, when ...
1 answer
06.07.2021, 15:44
The value of the additional process field in XLS is not uploaded
There are processes https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/kontrol-kachestva/?filtershowprocess=&...
2 answer
06.07.2021, 13:23
Refinement of the report Turnover by suppliers
There is a report https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/report/suppliersturnover/?datefrom=2021-06-02...
4 answer
OS - Unable to enter the client box after allowing access
Requested access through the Affiliate Cabinet to boxing anastasiiaostest.crm-onebox.com I was granted access to But in the end, under access to t...
2 answer
06.07.2021, 12:25
box copy
please copy our box https://sand.powerproject.com.ua to https://base.crm-onebox.com/ in continuation of this task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support...
OneBox integration module with 1C stopped working
Good afternoon! When trying to load data, upload data, or download tags from the site, an error message "Error calling context method (WaitFor...