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Application Questions and Answers «»

10 replies
08.07.2021, 12:05
Integration with ERC
Earlier there was a question about integration with ERC https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/suppliers-and-prices/9086-ne-zagruzhaetsya-inf... ...
11 replies
08.07.2021, 11:30
Evaluation in the default filter settings for product categories
Good afternoon. In the Product Category settings, it is possible to add filters by default http://joxi.ru/1A5YMZpszv7wnA, you need to evaluate the ...
Need a list of IP addresses
Our security service needs the IP addresses of the OneBox mail servers with which the exchange of letters takes place, for the exchange settings
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.07.2021, 10:45
Updating product fields in the table when importing through the process products loading block
Good afternoon, you need to add a checkmark in the "Process Products Loading Block" settings "If the product is already in the proce...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.07.2021, 10:20
Automation does not work: A contact was found with which there was no communication for more than N days
Good afternoon, In automatic actions once a minute, the action "A contact was detected with which there was no communication for more than N d...
1 answer
08.07.2021, 09:08
Please fix the bug when creating an order
I go to Orders. I click "Create a process", fill in the data and when saving an error - "An error occurred". Regardless of the ...
2 answer
08.07.2021, 08:23
Unloading goods (layout breaks)
The layout breaks if you choose a template, besides, the template cannot be deleted.
Export products in xlsx
When exporting goods, I designate two fields with the growth of Ukrainian language, loading only Ukrainian into the fields.
1 answer
07.07.2021, 19:07
OS - notification menu issue
https://youtu.be/jPFIzDTY6IQ The menu doesn't always work. if you click on one of the notifications on the menu, it no longer opens on the othe...
2 answer
07.07.2021, 18:08
OneBox OS issues
OneBox OS Update Questions boxing: rivcont.info 1. Tell me why the interval is so big? Can we update on the 14th? 2. We need to update outside bus...