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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015548554 - Improvement of the action “Parser of calls from the CDR table”
For automatic action every minute “Call parser from CDR table” to the “PREG template for destination phone number” setting, the input of the field ...
2015546986 - Refinement of the report constructor block “Report on accepted orders for work in the context of the commodity matrix and suppliers”
For the “Report on accepted orders for work in the context of the commodity matrix and suppliers” block of the report designer, the format for disp...
2015546744 - Improvement of the action "Submit business process to API"
For the BP action "Submit business process to API", the ability to transfer the external id of the process manager has been added
2015538761 - Block "Changing the balance in warehouses" in the report designer
The block “Balance changes in warehouses” has been added to the report designer. In terms of functionality, the report is almost the same as the st...
2015543067 - Improved action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Upload products/categories/filters/features to opencart (via DB)”, the ability to pass an attribute group f...
2015520302 - Improvement of the action “PromUA / Export products in XLS format”
For automatic action once per hour “PromUA / Export products in XLS format”, in the field mapping settings: field in XLS - product field improved t...
2015544287 - Improvement of the action “Import data from the TOTOBI provider (Totobi)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Import data from the TOTOBI (Totobi) supplier”, the setting has been improved, where you can specify which ...
2015542334 - Improvement of the “Process Contacts” block
For the process interface block “Process Contacts”, the settings have been improved: - hide the possibility of creating a contact; - display only c...
2015545349 - Open TTN in a new tab
Improved so that when clicking on a TTN in the process, it opens in the next tab (previously opened in the current one)
2015537586 - Improvement of actions of integration with Aurama
Improved BP actions: - Aurama get parcel status. The action receives the sending status from Aurama and writes it to the selected additional proces...