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Application Questions and Answers «»

9 replies
10.08.2021, 12:53
evaluate revision Check whether the value of the additional field of the current process exists in other processes.
Good afternoon. There is an action Check if the value of an additional field of the current process exists in other processes. I ask you to evaluat...
12 replies
10.08.2021, 12:14
OS - KPI chart
Here https://rivcont.info/app/dashboard/ There is an excellent "KPI summary table" block, but it is difficult to evaluate the KPI of empl...
41 answer
10.08.2021, 12:05
OS - number of successful calls
There is a KPI application Here it is possible to configure the indicator that counts calls Now it shows the number of successful calls and the nu...
4 answer
10.08.2021, 11:07
increase default filters for categories
Client box https://igrushka.crm-onebox.com/admin/ There is a category https://igrushka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/category/1027/ you need to increas...
1 answer
10.08.2021, 10:41
You need to search for products by external ID when updating price and availability on Prom
In the action on the hour crown, a check mark was recently added "When the above price and availability are updated, a request to edit the pro...
5 replies
10.08.2021, 10:23
Changing your profile information
Good afternoon Tell me how to change contact details (mail, phone) in your profile?
14 replies
10.08.2021, 09:30
OS - Bug - PNG images not loading
see video PNG images are not loading. Bug?
4 answer
10.08.2021, 09:12
product photos
Good afternoon, on Saturday all product photos were deleted from the system. And from this period, photos of goods are deleted every night. I did n...
3 answer
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders
Is it possible to narrow the list of orders by the desired criterion Whatever fields that are not particularly important, were either line breaks ...
2 answer
Bug with opening groups and subgroups in contacts
Bug with opening groups and subgroups in contacts. When we click on the plus sign, subgroups quickly open and quickly hide Please correct