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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015550390 - Improvement of the “Create subtask” action
For the BP action “Create subtask”, the setting “Run action once an hour” has been improved
2015553088 - Improved action “Update documents in progress”
For the BP action “Update documents in progress”, the setting “Delete documents of specified templates” has been improved
2015546588 - Improved order import with Magento
Improved so that when importing orders from Magento, the action "Import orders from Magento": - there was a search for NP branches; - if ...
2015548778 - Improved action "Submit business process to API"
For the action “Submit business process to API”, the ability to transfer: - legal details of the contact (added to the list of fields for transfer,...
2015548935 - Improvement of the /api/orders/add/ method
For the /api/orders/add/ method, the ability to add information about the legal details of contacts has been improved
2015545958 - Improved action “Copy supplier field to additional product field”
For the action when saving a product card “Copy supplier field to additional product field”, the ability to specify the value “Availability from su...
2015546983 - Refinement of the report constructor block “Report on accepted orders for work in the context of the commodity matrix and suppliers”
For the block “Report on accepted orders for work in the context of the product matrix and suppliers” of the report constructor, the settings have ...
2015547221 - Improvement of the action "Export products in YML format"
For automatic action once per hour “Export products in YML format”, the setting “First to upload products to the file with the checkmark “Use image...
2015548554 - Improvement of the action “Parser of calls from the CDR table”
For automatic action every minute “Call parser from CDR table” to the “PREG template for destination phone number” setting, the input of the field ...
2015546986 - Refinement of the report constructor block “Report on accepted orders for work in the context of the commodity matrix and suppliers”
For the “Report on accepted orders for work in the context of the commodity matrix and suppliers” block of the report designer, the format for disp...