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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015530360 - Improvement of the action “Integrate XML Business Processes (Export)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Integration of XML business processes (Export)”, the setting “Upload only processes that have changed the s...
2015528142 - Improved sorting for “Block subprocesses”
For the process interface, in the “Block of subprocesses” the following has been improved: - the ability to sort by field; - setting “highlight the...
2015534263 - Refinement by bonus categories
Added logic if a category is set in the filter of the "bonuses" section of the contact card: - the total amount will be displayed only fo...
2015532565 - Improvement of /api/category/get/ method
For the /api/category/get/ method, the ability to pass additional fields to categories has been added
2015532561 - Improvement of the action “Universal import of products (xml/json)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Universal import of products (xml/json)”, the setting “Always update a new discount value (by default, from...
2015526754 - Improvement of the automatic action “Integrate XML Business Processes (Import)”
For the automatic action once a minute “Integration of XML business processes (Import)”, the setting “Search and update only those processes whose ...
2015532704 - Improvement to display employees of the specified role in the pop-up window of the call
For the “List of employees and their status” block of the call pop-up window, the ability to display employee roles in a multilist has been improve...
2015532577 - Improvement of the action “PromUA / Import products”
For automatic action once per hour “PromUA / Import products”, the setting “Upload discount products without importing products” has been improved
2015532571 - Improvement of the action “Export products in YML format”
In the automatic action once an hour “Export products in YML format” there is a setting “If the product is produced and it has a passport, consider...
2015532554 - Refining the change of responsible through the mass process panel
Improved the ability to change the owner to the author of the process in mass operations on processes in the “Change owner” block