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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015850862 - Added BP action "Write values in additional process field found by conditions"
Added a new BP action "Write values in the additional field of processes found by conditions". When moving to a stage, the action will se...
2 answer
12.09.2021, 14:03
Bug. The author does not pull up when creating an order
In your personal account when an order for another client is placed (Fig. 1) After creating an order, the client becomes the author (Fig. 2) Alth...
Why the statuses don't match
The statuses in the order and in the goods list from the new mail are different. This interferes with operation and filtering. Can this be fixed?
2 answer
11.09.2021, 22:21
OneBox upgrade from Green Revolution to MVP and then to OS
Upgrade OneBox https://icold.pro/ from Green-Revolution version to MVP version and then to OS.
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
11.09.2021, 15:22
OS - tab interface display error
Here is a task with an open tab https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/65/?tabid=4 Here is the interface setting of this tat, the Universal block is d...
2 answer
11.09.2021, 11:41
Bug. OneBoxOS. Suppliers are not imported once an hour.
There is an action once per hour "Import XLS products" (Fig. 1) Configured to search for an external ID and vendor binding (Fig. 2) Thi...
1 answer
11.09.2021, 09:54
OS - URL prefix bug
Good afternoon, new products are not automatically prefixed with a URL. Example https://box.metrader.com.ua/app/product/207549/edit/
Required implementation of interface for Service Desk
Є eskіzi dekіlkoh storіnok іnterfeysu Service Desk - service pіdtrimki koristuvachіv vіdpriyemstvі. How can you customize the interface of the busi...
1 answer
10.09.2021, 18:02
OS - TAB name bug
If you rename the main TAB, then it will always be displayed with this name and will no longer be hidden, even if it is alone. And there is no way ...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
10.09.2021, 16:59
OS - Configuring the Generic Products Import (xml/json) action
Here: https://icoloronebox.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ set up the Universal Import Products (xml/json) action products must be imp...