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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
19.02.2024, 13:54
When entering the "Ukrposhta create delivery" tab, it gives error 500
For 2-3 days now, when entering the ../ukrposhtainvoice/ tab of the "Ukrposhta create delivery" process, it gives error 500. Ukrposhta's API suppo...
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
19.02.2024, 10:46
The amount of the process with a discount text in the document
Good afternoon, it is necessary to display the amount of the process with a discount in text in the document. Tried all the variables with text out...
1 answer
19.02.2024, 09:54
BAG. When importing products with the same article number but different brands.
When importing products with the same article number but different brands, instead of creating a new one, the existing product in BOX is overwritte...
1 answer
16.02.2024, 18:27
The document is downloaded when the process is opened
Good day for example https://orc-test.kiev.ua/25374/ But when you open any process where there is a document, it is immediately downloaded.
4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.02.2024, 18:15
finalize the option "do not update business process and process status after download"
please complete the automatic action "Import data from Google spreadsheets (Google Spreadsheet)" so that when updating processes (the "Search by pr...
4 answer
16.02.2024, 13:20
Settings in Universal Product Import (xml/json) are lost
Hello. Yesterday I added products through the Universal Product Import (xml/json) action, everything was added. Today I went to check the box so th...
Bug! Stopped writing the number of scanned orders.
We have a problem with the Work with Ttn application. Ttn is scanned, but does not write how many scanned quantity. Previously, we beeped, it sai...
5 replies
15.02.2024, 20:58
Export of product analogues in opencart - rate the refinement.
In the "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" action, add the ability to export product analogs from the box to ...
2 answer
15.02.2024, 17:33
The option Prohibit resending this SMS when moving to the current stage again does not work
In the "Send notification via SMS" action, the option "Prohibit resending of this SMS when moving to the current stage again" is enabled, but the S...
1 answer
15.02.2024, 10:53
Conflict in the operation of two applications.
The action of importing Products, Brands from CMS ExtraParts creates new brands in BOX and records their cat.id (ExtraParts) in the field shopbrand...