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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
15.11.2021, 12:20
How to write the Good By Date to a product by automatic action?
There is a task to automatically set the expiration date for products when posting according to the formula, how to implement this? Why is there no...
12 replies
Unloading of goods on PROM Prom.ua (xls) does not work
A week ago, after updating the box, Prom.ua (xls) upload stopped working boxing unloads only 4 products into the unloading file, the rest is not un...
1 answer
Change time zone
Please change the time to Moscow. Now the time is one hour less. https://more-moto.crm-onebox.com
3 answer
Need to renew ssl certificate
You need to install an ssl certificate on the domain (Let's Encrypt) https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/ Important, with auto updates
2015867570 - Improved action "Receipt the contents of the process to the warehouse"
For the action "Receipt the contents of the process to the warehouse" the setting "If the checkbox "Receipt only the goods of t...
2015868292 - Improved report designer functionality
Added setting "Group by months instead of days" for the report designer.
2015868145 - Refinement of supplier price list import
The setting "If there is a brand, search by SKU and brand simultaneously instead of searching purely by SKU" has been added to the fine s...
2 answer
14.11.2021, 16:23
Last arrival provider - does not filter
1. Go to https://rivcont.info/app/product/1566/edit/ 2. The supplier of the last arrival is specified 3. Go to "products" https://rivcon...
2 answer
14.11.2021, 15:02
Will there be a sidebar in the OS?
Will there be a sidebar in the OS in principle? if so, in what form?
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
14.11.2021, 14:24
The system does not record in the history of the change of the product, even if it was added in front 0 or it was removed in the field article
Axis of history change by product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/64906/history/?userid=&filter2_key=va...