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Application Questions and Answers «»

17 replies
Rate - link to payment wayforpay
It is necessary to refine the action "Generate a link to payment" Where would it be possible to specify 3 settings 1. From which field to...
Supplier price update
Good afternoon. I can't set up updating the supplier's price list using the universal import of products (xml / json) function. All updates...
4 answer
21.07.2021, 18:16
Product leftovers are displayed incorrectly 102701
Good afternoon, the task https://ckbox.online/admin/customorder/spisanie/47853/edit/ failed. There have been several shipments and returns. In the ...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 17:46
OS: "Process product loading block" stopped working
Hello! Please help. "Process Product Loading Block" stopped working Link to the test process - https://our-store.com.ua/36855/ Attached i...
5 replies
date output
The date is displayed in YYYY-MM-DD format. This is very inconvenient, and usually such things can be customized for the user. How to set the date ...
1 answer
First name priority
In the reporting form, the order in which the full name is displayed is not convenient. Instead of the full name, the IOF is displayed. How to chan...
3 answer
21.07.2021, 17:26
OS: Comments Feed
https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/9015-os---lenta-commentarie... There is a suggestion to optimize the appearance of the ribbon, ...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 17:20
Change a process step at a specific time
Good afternoon! Every business day (Monday-Friday) at 11:00 am, you need to change all processes that are in status A of the "Customer Order&q...
4 answer
21.07.2021, 16:12
OS: Double Request for Procedures
Hello! I am duplicating the old ticket, as it is a very important question and there is no answer https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-proces...
6 replies
21.07.2021, 16:04
OS - report on sales sold from stock