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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
24.08.2021, 18:00
Incorrect display of TTN status
In the task https://odessa-fashion.crm-onebox.com/75/ Incorrect status display.
1 answer
Personal license
24.08.2021, 17:25
OneBox OS: the edit button for selected processes is not active when displayed as a table
In the list of processes, when we select the "table" display type, the edit processes button does not become active. https://take.ms/JWbP...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
24.08.2021, 16:55
When importing update products, minute cron stuck for 8 minutes / importProductsTaskNew
Did a product update There were approximately 8000 products in the file Just updated additional fields from the file Minute cron stuck for 8 minute...
14 replies
24.08.2021, 16:33
OS - Directory bug
The ability to customize the directory has disappeared. I can't change the directory name.
4 answer
Issue with "Import Contacts from Microsoft Nav (Import Contacts)" action
Figured out which action causes the highest load is the "Import contact persons from Microsoft Nav" action. It works for at least 2 hours...
7 replies
24.08.2021, 14:01
Accrual of a customer bonus for retail sales
At the second stage of the BP Retail sale https://box.chinim.com.ua/app/workflow/28/constructor/, the accrual of the bonus from the sale to the cli...
3 answer
24.08.2021, 13:19
Bug. OneBox OS does not automatically pull up values from the filter reference
Values from the reference for filters are not automatically pulled up Although everything is written down and there are values in the directory (F...
3 answer
24.08.2021, 09:22
Set up API integration with the YCLIENTS service
Colleagues, good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement with the YCLIENTS service. It is necessary to collect data from the service about the c...
15 replies
24.08.2021, 08:15
Subway refinement - integration
Found a question https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/integration-with-onebox/9933-metro---obnovleni... this integration is nee...
orders do not come from the outlet (2 days)
There is an integration https://gmstore.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/rozetka-integration-1/con... There is an automatic action to impor...