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Application Questions and Answers «»

One checkout setup not working
For the employee Lyutenko Anna Vitalievna, I put a ban on creating payments from the Cashier, and she can create payments. Please correct. https://...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 15:43
Can't listen to phone call
There was already a topic https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/telephony/10641-net-vozmozhnosti-proslushat-za... I clarified with the client t...
5 replies
08.09.2021, 13:37
It is necessary to take the field "Vidsotok vkupu zamovlen" from the socket to us in the box
Write, be kind, skilki koshtuє dorobka
4 answer
You need to transfer a license from one domain to another
Previously, we had a crm.punkt.kz domain Now the domain is omegacrm.opbx.ml After the transfer - the license was not transferred, please transfer t...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 12:52
Displaying additional product fields depending on the category additional product fields
In the additional fields of products, you can select a category. But the fields, all are displayed in a bunch in the product card, regardless of th...
9 replies
How to remove the recently added item "Time convenient for communication:" in the process block "call" ??
How to remove the recently added item "Time convenient for communication:" in the process block "call" ?? this new field strong...
7 replies
08.09.2021, 12:00
OS: Bug in the "Conditions for displaying fields" functionality
Good afternoon! I noticed such a bug - https://youtu.be/UoVQIHX-9-s Could you fix it?
1 answer
08.09.2021, 10:30
Refinement configure contact search by phone number fragment
Colleagues, good afternoon! Please rate the improvement. It is necessary to implement the ability to search for a contact card in the database usin...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 10:05
Can't listen to call recording
There is an event http://crm.enzim.biz/admin/shop/event/51760/ in it there is a call recording, but the opportunities cannot be listened to. What i...
2 answer
07.09.2021, 20:41
product automation does not work Fill in the product card based on the passport materials
1. here is the product https://sanchobag.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/116/edit/#done 2. here is the passport (components) https://sanchobag.c...