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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015679583 - Added product update setting to Universal Import Products action
Added setting "Do not create new products, only update existing ones" for the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)"
2015673340 - Added setting to "WordPress / Export products" action
For the automatic action once per hour "WordPress/Export products", the "Upload products that meet the condition" setting has b...
2015680833 - Added a variable to the "Template tables" report
For the "Template tables" report constructor block, the [countDaysAll] variable has been added - the number of days in the period specifi...
2015677347 - Added a setting to the action "Submit business process to API"
Added settings for the BP action "Submit business process to API": - decode spaces as %20 and not +; - convert an array of products into ...
2015677729 - Added a setting to the action "Export stock balances to Google spreadsheets"
For the automatic action once a minute "Export inventory balances to Google spreadsheets" added the setting "Before unloading, do no...
2015672983 - Added setting to "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action
Added setting "PATH to place additional markup" for automatic action once per hour "Integrate XML products (Export)"
2015663639 - Improved display of values in the column "Expected number of products"
In the "Products by table" block of the process interface, the "Expected number of products" field was previously added. In the...
2015674886 - Added a setting to the action "Add products from one process to another"
For the business process action "Add products from one process to another", the setting "Copy product barcode in stock" has bee...
2015657095 - Improved the functionality of special customer prices
For the functionality of special customer prices, the possibility has been improved, in addition to the category, to also select the brand in the s...
2015674761 - Improved the action "Reserve the contents of the process in the warehouse"
For the action of the business process "Reserve the contents of the process in the warehouse" the setting "When triggered once a min...