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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
07.10.2021, 14:19
OS - required organizational structure
translated boxing to OS today - I can not know the addendum Structure. We are comfortable with the rights to build on the basis of roles. May I?
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
07.10.2021, 14:15
OS - bulk editing process tags
There are Tags in the process editing settings But when displaying this condition, you can only Delete tags and you cannot add new ones in bulk plz...
1 answer
Export product information in prestashop
I wrote earlier https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/online-stores/11256-eksport-informatsii-o-prod... Waiting for your answer
1 answer
07.10.2021, 14:09
minute cron does not work https://crm.hlr.ua/
Please help, the minute kroner hung at 10-40 https://crm.hlr.ua/
4 answer
07.10.2021, 13:44
OS: "Change process author" action doesn't work
The action "Change the author of the process" does not work, namely the "Responsible parent task" (picture No. 1) in the linkag...
4 answer
07.10.2021, 13:32
Task interface
Good afternoon. Please clarify whether it is possible in the box to make the procedure buttons displayed not at the bottom, but in a specific block...
1 answer
07.10.2021, 13:16
Letter read or not
https://hte.crm-onebox.com/ Email integration enabled. The events display letters, but it is not clear which of these letters were read in the CPM ...
6 replies
07.10.2021, 12:23
OS - Interface Editor
Please add the ability to delete rows and columns of the custom grid. To edit, for example, the copied interface, you have to do dances with tambo...
2 answer
07.10.2021, 12:18
the client cannot enter the box
Hello! yesterday the client created the box gcs2021ins.1box.link, but now he cannot enter, and accesses do not come to the mail. please send it aga...
It is not possible to add more than 2 addresses in the contact card
Here https://box.criamo.com/app/contact/1149/ trying to add an address (Figure 1.) After saving, it simply disappears (Fig. 2) Same here https://...