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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015899416 - Added to the installation of additional fields
In the settings of the addendum field with the type of process adder, the following checkboxes are added: - shukati only processes, such as having ...
2015899430 - Added functionality for the import of goods
For the import of goods, it was added that the first hour of the file was loaded to the filter.
8 replies
01.06.2022, 19:53
Workflows - Settings Menu
I propose to slightly shorten the names of the menu items. This will make it easier and faster to work with them.
1 answer
01.06.2022, 19:09
Improvement - Editable card
1. At the moment, in order to switch to editing another contact card interface, you need to switch through the interface. And plus, it is poorly hi...
2 answer
01.06.2022, 19:01
Question - Gender Disappears Name
I can't figure out why the Name field is not showing up. Help me please.
3 answer
01.06.2022, 18:21
viber welcome sms
There is such a method https://developers.viber.com/rest/#sending-a-welcome-message Basically, it should send a welcome sms when you go to this bot...
6 replies
01.06.2022, 16:30
Automation for products is not working
the automation actions "Calculate values according to the formula and write in the specified field" do not work when saving product cards...
1 answer
01.06.2022, 12:38
Duplicate contacts
Customized import of orders from cs-cart https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/lead/2284934/edit/ On the website, the client indicated the mai...
20 replies
01.06.2022, 12:07
Filling cards does not work correctly
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/contact/usergroups/setting/0/interface/# (Fig. 1) there are settings. And here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/co...
onebox not working
Box stopped working. crm.sportmarket.ua