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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
10.06.2022, 09:55
included the sand.1b.app project. please turn it on
included the sand.1b.app project. please turn it on, shards in the vows of OneBox, the whole project I’m wondering this day
6 replies
10.06.2022, 09:18
Paid the tariff but disabled crm
Box https://japanautoparts.1b.app/ Paid the tariff but disabled crm Payment was still June 7 at 16:35 Screenshot attached. Please solve the problem...
15 replies
10.06.2022, 00:40
Send Telegram message. callback
Good day How to correctly fill in the callback in the notification when pushing the button to change the status? How to prescribe it like that at t...
35 replies
09.06.2022, 20:47
Payments from the future :)
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/payments/22148/control/ the payment creation date is 2022.06.23 and it came automatically from privat24, and no...
1 answer
09.06.2022, 19:40
Import of products in an order does not work correctly
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/3458/ there is a block for loading goods (Fig. 1). But only 2 products are loaded, the rest are not loaded (Fig. 2)...
5 replies
Outlet order commission - estimate
There is a setting in the promo "a field in which to receive a commission" can you do the same for the outlet? So that when creating an o...
Payments from the future and checkout errors - is it a Bug?
Previously, I already had a problem with decoupling a huge number of payments from orders and inconsistencies in the balance that arose at one mome...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.06.2022, 12:16
OS, bug, API needs duplicate price types for goods
Good day, Zіshtovkhnulis z problem, in apі vіddaє for skin type tsіni odrazhennya two values 0 i vіrno pohovane. In the product card, the values \u...
Do not spratsovuє blocking the transition to the stage
Butt to the process https://box.ltec.com.ua/13736/ Є field "Troubleshooting file" field type file. In customizations, the interface is se...
The system does not search for data on processes
There is an order There is a comment in the order We take the TTN code 590008269...