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Application Questions and Answers «»

Name field
Hello, the question arose of how to do it - so that the order number is entered in the "Name" field when creating For example, I create a...
Personal account (Client)
Good afternoon, can you please tell me where I can correct the formula? a client orders two products in the personal account, but the income shows ...
3 answer
29.07.2022, 12:24
We improved the interface
BP https://grimaxgroup.1b.app/app/workflow/12/constructor/ At various stages, we have built our own interface. Yesterday it looked correct. Today&#...
2 answer
29.07.2022, 11:22
Rozrobka, nalashtuvannya zvіtіv
Good afternoon. We are looking for a specialist for distribution and making calls. Need the description of the file: https://docs.google.com/spread...
2 answer
29.07.2022, 11:06
Merge my new account with the old one
Merge my new account with the old one if I prescribe this, write a pardon my old account https://1b.app/ua/user/170/ Tse current https://1b.app/ua...
4 answer
29.07.2022, 10:54
Need to renew ssl certificate
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/desktop/ Please post an invoice for 1 hour.
3 answer
29.07.2022, 10:52
Upgrade to MPV
Good afternoon. We need to update box to mpv, after that we will update to os. box.mayki.kz Thank you
18 replies
29.07.2022, 10:09
Error setting margin rule for category
Good day, I set a markup for the category. Markup type - amount. Calculates the basic price correctly. And the other two, which were created by me,...
11 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.07.2022, 09:52
Error loading image file
I am trying to insert an image into the product description in the HTML editor of the product description. Gives an error like on screen 1250 Tried...
1 answer
29.07.2022, 09:25
Change timezone
Good afternoon! I ask you to change the time zone to +6 GMT - https://flexservice.1b.app Thank you!