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Application Questions and Answers «»

13 replies
11.07.2022, 09:23
Integration with Dillovod
service - https://dilovod.ua/ru/ , they have API - https://help.dilovod.ua/ru/API how much will it cost to finalize the integration with boxing, by...
1 answer
11.07.2022, 09:03
How to properly configure the Universal Import of Products (xml / json) so that only in-stock products are pulled up
How to properly configure the Universal Import of Products (xml / json) so that only in-stock products are pulled up now pulls up and the product w...
11 replies
11.07.2022, 01:09
Refinement calculation: Display the process on the desired tab when moving to the stage
Please calculate the cost of developing a new action for the stages of the process, namely: when moving to the desired stage, open the process on t...
2 answer
11.07.2022, 00:31
If at 2 stages it was ordered to write off the goods from the warehouse, then when moving between stages, the stench will be written off to the two?
Є Stage In Obrobtsі і є stage selected. At two stages, sell the contents of the process. If I pass between the stages, then the goods will be writt...
2015929335 - Added to the block for a request for a request
In the search block, an adjustment was added to show the number of rows in the results of the search. It is necessary to enter a number - only a sm...
2015902397 - Added the ability to work and change filters to the product
In the automation for the transfer of watering to the product, the ability to work and the ability to transfer the name of the filters is added.
2015929057 - Added functionality in the "PromUA / Import to OneBox" section
For the "PromUA / Import import to OneBox" implementation, automatic filling of the Type of correction by NP in the import is implemented...
2015929720 - Name of the field in the universal block
Added that when filling in the field in the universal block contact, the same name was added.
2015929267 - Added to the fence for a copy of the stock in the warehouse
Added a statement "When looking at the surplus of products on the head side of the fence, one could see and copy more than one center"
2015929168 - Added to the block of products of the personal account
In the "Products" block, the client's account was updated with the message "When pressing the button" At the cat ", st...