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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
07.09.2022, 15:24
Some characteristics of goods are not selected
Good afternoon. Please tell me why I cannot select some characteristics of goods in the export of goods in order to unload them pointwise. Example...
1 answer
07.09.2022, 15:21
Price levels for goods in passports
Good afternoon. Enlighten someone, for goods with passports, how prices are formed according to price levels. There is a product with a passport ht...
3 answer
URGENTLY!!! Orders from Prom, Rozetka, integration with banks do not come in
Integrations stopped working The last order that went into the van box from Prom.ua MobiPrint.in.ua has the date and time on the screenshot. The l...
Shows 0 licenses in the system
2 answer
07.09.2022, 13:46
Minute kroner fell last alarm 2022-09-07 11:31:09 please raise as soon as possible
Minute kroner fell last alarm 2022-09-07 11:31:09 please raise, as soon as possible the work is worth it.
2015937787 - Added functionality for "Know the process and get it right"
For the "Know the process and get more precise" task, the ability to re-verify according to the additional fields of the product to the p...
2015938026 - Added the functionality of importing the application from Opencart
For the import of the design from Opencart, the setting was added "Check the difference between the price of the product in Opencart and the p...
1 answer
06.09.2022, 17:59
Goods from the price do not appear on the link
download the xml price from the link with the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)", the action does not produce errors https:...
5 replies
06.09.2022, 17:09
Diya Insert the term of the step Take from the additional field
https://swn.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/7/action/new/ Nalashtuvali dіyu, it is necessary that the term was taken from the supplementary field....
1 answer
06.09.2022, 16:44
Special prices
A price level is registered for a client, the price for this level is indicated in the product card, and a special price is also indicated for this...