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Application Questions and Answers «»

2014628302 - Setting up contexts for transferring calls in the box
In the interface settings of the incoming call window, the “Context for call transfer” setting has been improved
2014621606 - Improved telegram integration functionality
Improved integration with telegram: 1) Previously, the telegram and onebox binding was to the task, and not to the client, that is, after the clien...
2014614503 - Improved field unloading in the order
For the action “Unload in XML”, the unloading of the client manager field has been added (full name and id will be unloaded with different tags)
2014620206 - Improved action "Write a value in the additional field of the process product depending on the warehouse"
Added a checkbox to the action “Write value in additional field of the process product depending on the warehouse” that allows you to record the wa...
2014613258 - Added field calculation action from under processes
Added a new BP action: “Perform an arithmetic operation with a field of subprocesses” The action performs an arithmetic operation on the subprocess...
2014618211 - Improved sorting by all additional fields of the process table
Improved the ability to sort processes (in the way orders, tasks are displayed ... as a list) by an additional field (it works by analogy with sort...
2014619900 - Improved integration functionality with Nextel telephony
Implemented integration with Nextel telephony. Functional: 1. click to call 2. events 3. listening to calls 4. pop-up windows for incoming and outg...
2014617473 - Improvement of the BP action "Calculate and write the value in the additional field if the conditions are met"
In the BP action “Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met”, the ability to compare the name of the product c...
2014620709 - Added letters variable
Added a new email variable: account name
2014621435 - Improved functionality for changing the warehouse of goods by API
Improved the reserve of goods in the warehouse when importing via API: 1.storagefromcode1c - if you pass it, all products with this storage selecte...