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Application Questions and Answers «»

4 answer
30.10.2024, 13:55
Form: hide extra blocks
Guys, tell me how to remove unnecessary blocks in the form? I disabled everything in the settings, but the unnecessary ones are still displayed. I ...
3 answer
NP fields in the add form constructor
Is it possible to add fields for selecting a Nova Poshta branch in the process addition form designer?
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
29.10.2024, 15:47
Incorrect branch database
Good day. Updated the branch database here http://prntscr.com/L0F485FlS4Nd but the database of NP branches is still incorrect in Box Need to update...
1 answer
Not all payment methods can be selected in the "Payment Methods" field.
There are 14 payment methods available, of which only 7 can be selected in the order.order_paymentid field. The remaining payment methods are not h...
2 answer
The action "Send a message by email" works only with ukr.net
Good day The action works for ukr.net mail - the client receives a notification about the order. But it does not work, for example, with gmail. Tel...
Search doesn't work!
Good afternoon I enter the product code in the global search, the search starts, but nothing happens after that https://prnt.sc/n_2MjmNQdu8x in pay...
EV SSL certificate change
Good day Today we received a message from a new post office with the following content: ********************** 10/30/2024 around 20:00 current EV S...
6 replies
28.10.2024, 11:44
Low memory
Good day For some reason, the server suddenly ran out of memory. 2024-07-22 already addressed such a problem, but it was not enough for long. https...
1 answer
28.10.2024, 11:36
Filter by creation dates for graphs and charts by an additional field
How to add a filter by creation dates for the "diagram of the number of processes with the value of an additional field" In the functionality, you ...
2 answer
28.10.2024, 09:13
Characteristics are not uploaded
Hello, the characteristics are not uploaded to the site? There is a description And the characteristics are not added How to solve this issue?